Jesus looks lovingly at the children.
‘It is almost time for you to return home.’
‘Oh’, says Kevin. ‘I have surrendered now, and so I don’t complain any more.’
Jesus hugs the boy and smiles. He then tells the children. ‘Before you go I want to spend time with each one of you. You can tell me whatever is on your heart. It will be just for me and no one else. Who would like to go first?’
The children are very quiet, everyone wishing to be first, but willing to allow others the privilege.
‘I think Oma should go first’, suggests Kevin.
‘Alright, Oma, it will be’, says Jesus, and the two walk away together to be alone among the flowers.
During this last time together, Jesus listens to the dreams and struggles of each heart. He gives them all encouragement, and a long loving hug.
It is a blessed time the children wish would last forever.
The children hold the hands of Jesus as they walk together to the gates of the city.
Meilon and Betil fly on ahead.
When they are almost at the gates, the children are surprised to find thousands of angels gathered together. Meilon returns and tells them,
‘We wanted to wish you well on your way home.’
The children and Oma are very happy. ‘Thank you so much.’
‘I want to wish you the best too’, says a familiar voice. It is Moses.
‘Oh Moses’, laughs Kevin. ‘I am glad I could see you again.’
Moses then says, ‘Kevin and girls, tell my brethren on earth to be faithful. I want to meet them here.’
‘Yes, we will’, cry the children together.
‘And I want to wish you well too.’ It is Elijah.
‘Me too’, says Enoch. ‘Be faithful all the days of your life and you will receive a crown of life.’
‘Yes children’, adds Elijah, ‘heaven is worth it.’
'Oh thank you all for coming. We will.’
The children notice people from the planet where they met Moses in the rose garden.
‘Oh, the beautiful people’, says Summer.
‘We wanted to say goodbye too.’
‘Thank you all for coming to see us’, rejoices Jeannette.
The children are overwhelmed with the wonderful send-off they are receiving.
Caph, Dani, Josfi, and Yitzak come forward to wish them goodbye.
‘It has been wonderful to get to know you. We hope to meet again one day.’
Meilon and Betil move close to the children.
‘You have been a blessing to us, and we do want to see you back in heaven when the reign of sin is over.’
It is hard saying goodbye.
‘Oh Meilon and Betil, you have been such a help to us. We love you so much. Thank you.’
The eyes of the angels sparkle with joy.
Jesus then takes each child in His loving arms for a last hug. ‘Fear not little ones. I am always watching you. Don't forget to talk to me in prayer. Your guardian angel is with you all the time to protect and encourage you. And My Father and I are with you in Spirit, dwelling in your hearts. You are never alone.’
The children look into the eyes of Jesus as He makes a promise.
‘One day I will come for you and bring you back to My home. Be faithful dear ones. Heaven is your home.’
He places His hands on the heads of the children and blesses each one.
Turning to Oma, Jesus declares, ‘Look after the children my dear.’
Placing His hand on her head He says, ‘God bless you.’
Many tears are shed, but with joyful smiles, the children make their promise to Jesus.
‘We will try to be faithful and with your help we will be.’ Oma and the children walk out the gate of the city and begin to wing their way across the sea of glass.
Looking back, the glory of the holy city shines before them. Their hearts are thrilled.
Thousands of angels wave from the gates and walls of the celestial city.
‘Oh, what a glorious sight’, calls Summer to Jeannette.
‘I will never forget it’, responds her friend.
Kevin hears the girls and calls out, ‘It’s the best thing in the universe. I want to come back one day.’
The girls nod in agreement.
They all begin to call out to the waving angels. ‘We love you…..’
‘We love you all…..’
Suddenly the girls see something wonderful.
‘Summer look, I can see the light of the Father’, says Jeannette.
‘Oh yes. The Father has come to the gate to stand next to His Son.’
‘Isn’t that beautiful. Kevin and Oma, can you see it?’
‘Yes’, they reply, looking steadfastly at the light of God. The children are overwhelmed with joy and love.
‘Look’, cries Summer, ‘there is a glorious light shining around Jesus that wasn’t there before.
The Father has glorified Jesus in the presence of the angels, and us.’